Social activist, founder of the World Human Forum and the ActionAid Hellas,, co-founder of Action Finance Initiative.
The 10 World Human Forum DELPHIC MOTTOS
1. Seeds of change>
Bring together self-empowered and responsible citizens who act as agents of change
2. A Catalyst>
Create a place of convergence and reference for change processes led in a bottom-up way
3. Critical mass>
Create a critical mass to impulse the urgent transformation
4. Interdisciplinarity>
Allow a new Renaissance effect by abolishing silos among ALL disciplines
5. Know thyself>
Personal transformation - mind, spirit, body - is a prerequisite for external social change
6. Human scale>
Small meetings to facilitate the emergence of personal relations of trust and friendship
7. Every day – Everywhere>
An ongoing worldwide process
8. All Peers>
Breaking down the glass ceiling between élites and ordinary citizens
9. Micro-Mega>
Strongly impact oriented, combine Global Questions with Local Answers
10. Omphalos>
Unique & symbolic positioning (Delphi) where Artificial Intelligence meets Ancestral Intelligence